In math, we have been working with numbers up to 1,000. As a class, we have decided to start a collection of 1,000 things to help us visualize this amount. After brainstorming different items that we could collect and keep in class, we have made a decision. Drum roll please...we will collect Box Tops! This will be the perfect item to collect because not only are Box Tops easy to find, they will also come in handy later in the year when PTA holds the Box Top class competitions. Start sending in your Box Tops to Miss Russell and Mrs. Shall's class today so we can reach our goal of 1,000 Box Tops! For more information about how your Box Tops help our school, click
here to visit their website.
my favorite thing we do in school is writing & math i like math because i am great with #'s i like writing because i have very good handwriting &i have a lot of good story's
ReplyDeletelove, ASHLEY
Great idea! I think I will borrow it for my 2/3 class. Thanks!